Ecomak has signed a contract for the supply and commissioning of the filtration system for a WtE plant to be built in South East Asia. 

by Ecomak Systems

The Waste to Energy facility envisages 2 boiler lines of 350 TPD capacity each (700 TPD total), with a total gross power generation of 12 MW. The fuel is raw Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) with typical waste characteristics of South East Asia, with low calorific value and high moisture content.

Fabric filter bag house technologies have become the best available control technology for controlling particulates from municipal waste combustors. A cake of fly ash and sorbent forms on the fabric bags, which provide additional acid gas scrubbing and collect semi-volatile emissions.

“FY 2022-23 has kicked-off on a positive note for Ecomak. Being an up and coming sector in Asia, and more specifically India – puts us on the list of being the preferred technology partner in this space. This project is one of the larger capacity plants, and is a testament of trust the customers have in our expertise and experience of project execution, product quality and services”, says CMD S.S. Kadam, Ecomak Systems.

The scope of supply includes project management, engineering, procurement, manufacturing, supervision, and commissioning of the package. The project is slated to be completed within 6 months.

Ecomak is actively supporting the development of the WtE sector in upcoming regions where the issue of solid waste management has posed to be a problem. Providing proven, reliable solutions for proper disposal of large scale industrial and solid waste management is a key focus area for Ecomak.

About Ecomak:

Ecomak is a leading engineering company providing sustainable environmental, thermal & process solutions worldwide.

Ecomak being a pioneer in the air filtration, process & thermal systems industry for almost three decades has successfully executed unique and challenging projects in multiple geographies.

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Representational Image - Power Plant