ESP - Electrostatic Precipitator
Ecomak ESP’s are designed to be excellent devices for control of industrial particulate emissions. The dust handled by ESP’s include smoke from power-generation utilities and products collection such as cement in cement plants, sinter fine collection in the Metals industry to name a few.

The original parallel plate–weighted wire design has evolved as more efficient and robust discharge electrode designs subsequently transformed into a more efficient and robust discharge electrode design of pipe and spike discharge electrode, maximizing corona production.

Transformer-rectifier systems apply voltages at a defined peak. Modern controls, such as an automatic voltage control minimize electric sparking and prevent arcing (sparks are quenched within 1/2 cycle of the TR set), avoiding damage to the components. Automatic plate-rapping systems and hopper-evacuation systems remove the collected particulate matter on line, theoretically allowing ESPs to stay in continuous operation till annual shutdown.

Ecomak is capable for delivering Electrostatic Precipitators having gas flow upto 25,00,000 Am3/hr with round the clock emission level kept in check upto 30 mgm/Nm3. Ecomak also provides engineering support and operator training to any project undertaken. Check our Services page for additional information. 

Other Electrostatic Precipitator offerings by Ecomak are:

  1. Retrofitting of Electrostatic Precipitator 
  2. Conversions
    • Hybrid ESP: Partial conversion of Electro-static Precipitator to Baghouse
    • Complete Conversion: Conversion of Complete Electrostatic Precipitator to Baghouse
  3. Services
    • Audit for review & improvement
    • Audit for component life enhancement or component replacement

Industries Served

Mining and Cement


Ecomak can provide ESP solutions for clinker cooler applications. With the increasing norms for emission control, Ecomak’s ESP can meet the regulatory requirements in your region or country. 

Foundry Metals Industry

Metals & Energy Industry

Ecomak has successful experience in handling fumes, gases with a dust load upwards of 700 g/Nm3. The ESPs in the energy and metals industry having crucial process on-time requirements can meet the criteria with its low maintenance design and minimal footprint.