In many cases, there are always improvements to be made to any industrial process. Ecomak’s team of experts can help identify the repair, retrofit or upgrade project that will give you a competitive edge while keeping your CAPEX and OPEX in control. Our technical services team supports you at every stage.

The essence of any retrofitting job is the pace at which the job is executed where project timelines is of utmost importance to the project. With a few key upgrades, you could see a significant increase in capacity, efficiency and lower emissions.


A customer in Karnataka, India wanted to retrofit their Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) which was not performing satisfactorily for their sinter plant. The third-party ESP previously installed was unable to give the required emission levels and thereby causing an environmental compliance issue for the plant. The customer had witnessed Ecomak’s vast expertise in project execution in domestic and overseas projects, and confidently awarded the turn around project to Ecomak.

Ecomak took up yet another challenge of retrofitting the ESP in flat 30 days from receipt of purchase order to re-commissioning of retro-fitted ESP. The customer had mandated an emission guarantee of 100 mgm/Nm3(max). Ecomak demonstrated an emission of less than 50 mgm/Nm3 on continued basis. The retrofitting and restarting of the plant was completed by Ecomak within 7 days after working round the clock to meet the committed target.

The following are the major components that make up the ESP system:

  1. Power Components
  2. Discharge Electrodes
  3. Precipitator Controls
  4. Rapping Systems
  5. Air Purging Systems
  6. Flue Gas Conditioning

To ensure you make the most of our expertise in emission control: talk to us about your emissions targets and local regulations.

Ecomak is capable for delivering Electrostatic Precipitators having gas flow upto 25,00,000 Am3/hr with round the clock emission level kept in check upto 30 mgm/Nm3. Ecomak has also undertaken Hybrid ESP and Complete Conversion of the ESP to Baghouse. Engineering support and operator training if provided with every project.

Interested to know more about our services for the upgrading and/or retrofitting your equipment?

Drop us a message on our contact page and our technical services team will assist you.