1. Bypass Dampers

A damper is a valve or plate that stops or regulates the flow of air inside a duct, chimney,  air handler, or other air-handling equipment.

These dampers can be supplied in round, square, or rectangular varieties. The blades can be of a single thickness or double skin airfoil design.

A bypass damper is provided to safe guard the fabric media before the bag house if the temperature rises beyond design limit. This damper will be normally closed during normal operation. However it will be open at predetermined set point from the temperature detector located before the bag house. This will bypass the fumes/gas from the baghouse to the fan which will result in safeguarding the baghouse.

Ecomak offers 3-way dampers:

  1. Louvre dampers
  2. Guillotine dampers
  3. V-I-V dampers

2. Dilution Dampers

A safety dilution damper is provided to safe guard the fabric media before the bag house for temperature rise. This damper will be normally closed during normal operation. However it will be open at predetermined set point from the temperature detector located before the bag house. Fresh air will be introduced from the atmosphere and keep the temperature of gases well below the limit. Once the designed system temperature is attained, again at predetermined set point the damper will be closed automatically.

3. Draught Balancing Dampers


As we are proposing a common bagfilter and fan for two melting systems with different volumes, temperatures and pressure drops (due to difference in the equipment in each system) the air will tend to pass through the system which offers lesser resistance. To balance the drafts ensuring adequate flow and fumes as per predetermined quantities a damper will be provided which will regulate the pressure across the two systems balancing these to designed volumes and pressure..

4. Butterfly Dampers

Butterfly dampers can be used in a wide variety of applications but are commonly used for flow control and low leakage or isolation applications. These dampers can also be designed to withstand extreme design pressures and very high temperatures, while also keeping pressure drops low through the system. Single blade dampers can be used in systems with corrosive and abrasive air flows, making them ideal for environmental controls.

Construction is generally from Mild or Stainless Steel with the body of the valve formed from rolled steel angles or channels depending on the size and application. Depending on the sealing system, varying levels of tightness can be obtained (95% -100 %). Suitable for low pressure combustion gases at high temperatures (600ºC).

Based on the customer requirement, any type of actuation can be included in the design.