Online Baghouse

In a Reverse Pulse Jet Baghouse or simply known as Pulse Jet Baghouse (PJBF or PJF), filter bags are supported by a metal cage, which are fastened on a laser cut tubesheet plate at the top of the baghouse.

Dirty gas enters from the bottom of the baghouse and flows from outside to inside the bags. The metal cage prevents collapse of the bag. This filters the dirty gas which captures the dusty gas particles on the outer surface of the bags.

Bags are cleaned by a short burst of compressed air injected through a common air manifold over a row of bags. The compressed air is accelerated by a venturi nozzle mounted at the reverse-jet baghouse top of the bag. Since the duration of the compressed-air burst is short (generally, less than 0.1seconds), it acts as a rapidly moving air bubble, traveling through the entire length of the bag and causing the bag surfaces to flex. This flexing of the bags breaks the dust cake, and the dislodged dust falls into a collection hopper below.

Pulse Reverse-jet dust collectors can be operated continuously and cleaned without interruption of flow because the burst of compressed air is very small compared with the total volume of dusty air through the collector. The short cleaning cycle of reverse-jet collectors reduces recirculation and redeposit of dust. This cleaning system works with the help of sequential timer or PLC based panel attached to the fabric filter. This timer indicates the solenoid valve to inject air to the blow pipe.

Online baghouse systems are used in applications such as- Industrial Boiler Exhaust flue gas, material handling systems, capturing nuisance dust in plants among a few of the many applications.

Ecomak has supplied online pulse-jet baghouses with volumes ranging up to 1,00,000 Am3/hr and more for a wide variety of applications ranging from milk powder to uranium ore

ESP - Electrostatic Precipitator
Client :  European Co
Date :  June 2020
Category : Construction

Offline Baghouse

In an offline pulse jet baghouse, the construction and working is similar as the online baghouse. The offline Pulse jet Baghouse consists of a number of modules/chambers. Each module is isolated from gas stream by closing its outlet poppet damper in predetermined sequence. In an isolated module, each of filter bag rows is cleaned sequentially by compressed air pulses. The mass of air also draws air behind it, adding to the downward airflow.

The dust removed falls into the hoppers and is discharged through discharge valve. A master controller – which can be Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based dictates the sequence of the chambers that should be go in “Offline Mode”. 

Offline baghouse systems are generally suitable for large volumes or applications which have light dust. These baghouse systems are robust and sturdy. One of the main advantages of the offline baghouse system is that the maintenance of the system can be done by “switching off” one module till the time the maintenance activity is complete.

Offline baghouse systems are used in steel, cement and power applications where the gas volumes are huge.

Ecomak Offline pulse-jet baghouse technology caters to various sectors of the industry. Offline Pulse-jet baghouse is used for PRIMARY and SECONDARY Ventilation applications.

Client :  European Co
Date :  June 2020
Category : Construction